Exploring what causes us to feel emotionally overwhelmed and how to relate in healthy and more balanced ways

Building Balanced Empathy is a 6-hour course designed to develop skills to increase personal well being and explore empathy, vulnerability and emotional resilience. You will learn techniques empowering you to relate to yourself and others in healthy and more balanced ways.

This course will help you:

  • Develop better self-understanding and therefore real empathy for others, thus creating positive relationships

  • Identify what pushes us out of balance allowing the space for wiser choices through developing emotional intelligence

  • Build closer, more nurturing personal and business relations


Who is the course for?

This course is for people of all ages and backgrounds. Developing empathy online courses, like Building Balaced Empathy, are designed for those who want to strengthen their inner resources which help build deep and sustainable connections and relationships.

I learned I have a lot of misplaced or misguided empathy. I realize how much of a communication issue it is not necessarily an issue with feeling. I realized just how deep my need to fix everything goes, especially with role playing.
— Linda Melisano, course participant, Florida, May 2019
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What’s behind the course?

Building Balanced Empathy is a new course drawn from The art of Fulfilment programme, which is a 30-hour course created by FDCW.

The programme content is rooted in Buddhist philosophy and psychology and is supported by scientific research, Western philosophy and psychology, as well as other wisdom traditions.

It was developed by an international team with academic-level expertise in Buddhism, Western philosophy and psychology, contemporary science and experiential learning methodology.

Its creation was inspired by the Dalai Lama’s Mind & Life Dialogue.


Find out more

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Join the course

Head over to our calendar to find out about upcoming online and in-person courses offered by our facilitators.

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Unlocking Your Potential

In August 2020 we launched “Unlocking your Potential”, the second course in the The art of Fulfilment series.


Meet our facilitators

FDCW has a thriving community of facilitators who offer courses around the world.

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