Discovering the Wisdom of Neuroscience

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answer to your question? Please send us an email and we will respond.

I want to take the course but I can’t attend the live sessions.

You can join the course and watch recordings of the weekly live sessions on our online learning platform. The recordings will be available for the duration of the course only so you will study at the same pace as all other participants.

We have created an online learning platform that will give you access to all the learning materials as well as session recordings. Most importantly, you can discuss and reflect on the materials together with other course participants so even when you are not able to join the live sessions, you still get the benefit of engaging with others and the course facilitator.

How does online learning on this course work?

What does blended learning mean?

The course is designed to make the most of the time that participants have together with the facilitator during the weekly live sessions. At the beginning of each week, you will get access to self-study materials on our online Study Zone to complete before the live session on Saturday. These materials will give you an opportunity to learn about the theory in your own time before the session. The live sessions will focus on the practical application and experiential activities to explore and build on the theory together. And there is also space for questions and answers!

Self-study, too! How much time will I spend on the course?

We recommend you set aside between 1 and 2 hours a week for your self-study and reflection during the course.